Cypress College
Art Gallery
About CCAG
Cypress College Art Gallery (CCAG) presents professional and student exhibitions, performances, workshops, lectures, and visiting artists’ projects to enhance Fine Arts coursework, further support student success, and enrich the broader Cypress community.
Located on Kizh and Tongva land, CCAG is in the gateway area of the Cypress College campus near the campus theater. CCAG is closest to Valley View Street, which is accessible from the 405, 91, and 5 Freeways. Park in Lot 1 in the designated visitor’s area, and remember to purchase a parking pass.
9200 Valley View Street
Cypress, CA 90630
Gallery Hours
Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and by appointment.
213 864 1242
Park in Lot 1. Parking permits can be purchased at a kiosk in front of the Business Building located on the edge of Lot 1.
Janet Owen Driggs, Director
Kirk Pickler, Exhibitions Manager
Nadia Wallace, Adminstrative Assistant
Gallery Map and Photos
Kayli Bartley: CCAG Logo with Coronavirus Spike Protein (2020)