Started streaming in a closet and somehow ended up in a warehouse 4 years later...

“Content creation has always been a passion of mine. The content here was handcrafted, cruelty and burnout-free organically produced, over the course of years of learning, troubleshooting, experimenting and playing with concepts alongside people from across the globe, discovering the channel & overtime funding imaginative concepts too "wild" for a normal company to invest. As you see where I ended up. It has become an 'open-sourced' community of different trades, tech, art and comedy.”

FAQ 1: "What programs are you using?’

A: Too many, always trying out a new software as technology evolves. But my favorites are OBS Studio, Voicemeeter, Voiceattack, OSCPilot, Chataigne, TOUCH DESIGNER!

FAQ 2: "What's your endgame?"
A: To create the impossible 1-man production show supported entirely by those who actually enjoy the show. Complete creative independence. To be honest, I'm already there, it'll just get better with time.

“The fast twitch muscles used in gaming, are the natural, neural aspects in the gaming world on Twitch. It makes sense that a performer who is fully articulated from growing up in the gaming world becomes a programmer who wants to fast twitch through streaming. The Sushi Dragon’s performances are like watching a wasp trapped in a bottle, bouncing off the glass maniacally.”

Michael Hanson, The Pandemic Twitch, A Love Letter
