Art Gallery
Fall 2019
Right: Sergio O’Cadiz Moctezuma
Colonia Juarez Community Mural, detail (1974)
O’Cadiz Family Collection
Library Mural, detail
Copyright EverGreene Architectural Arts
Courtesy Mary Slater
Gustavo Aralleno’s O.C. Weekly cover story about Sergio O’Cadiz Moctezuma
Thursday September 19, 2019, 5pm-9pm
Opening Reception
O’Cadiz Moctezuma & Hostile Terrain
With Piedras y Luz, presented by the Cypress College Dance Department and Maha & Company at 6.30pm
Sergio O’Cadiz Moctezuma, El Artist and Hostile Terrain are part of SUR:Biennial
Hostile Terrain, organized at Cypress college by the NOCCCD office of Diversity and Compliance, is a precursor to the 2020 global participatory exhibition titled “Hostile Terrain 94," curated by Dr. Jason De León
TUESday OCTOber 15, 2019, 12.30–1.30Pm
(Note the date has changed from Monday September 23, 2019)
Concrete Casting Workshop
Led by Ed Giardina
The workshop will start with a short introduction to the material and process. As it proceeds, participants will create their own cast concrete piece. We recommend that you wear old clothes. All materials are provided.
Thursday October 3, 1.00-3.00pm
O’Cadiz Moctezuma: El Artist
Gustavo Arellano
In addition to writing the OC Weekly cover story about Sergio O’Cadiz Moctezuma that suggested the title of this exhibition, Gustavo Arellano is the man behind ¡Ask a Mexican!, author of the Murales Rebeldes! L.A. Chicana/Chicano Murals Under Seige foreword and afterword, and the author of Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America. Currently a features writer for the Los Angeles Times, he was previously an OC Weekly investigative reporter for 15 years and editor for six. Gustavo is the child of two Mexican immigrants, one of whom came to this country in the trunk of a Chevy. His two favorite maxims are: Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable. And don’t get beat.
Luke speaking at Cypress College, 10.15.2019
Tuesday October 15, 3.00-5.00pm
Siqueiros: A Revolutionary in Art and Life
Gregorio Luke
An expert on Mexican and Latin American art and culture, Gregorio Luke is the former Director of the Museum of Latin American Art, Consul of Cultural Affairs of Mexico in Los Angeles and the First Secretary of the embassy of Mexico in Washington D.C. He has organized exhibits concerts, lectures, book and film festivals and seminars.
“Gregorio Luke gives cultural lectures with the fervor and reverence of a missionary hungry for converts”